

Every blogger want more traffic but sometimes it can be hard to get high traffic without effort. One of our effort is build our interaction with other blogger. Recent readers is our answer!! Get more traffic with it.
So, recent reader will facilitate us to know whosoever from us friend paying a visit in each day and we can build interaction with them.

Way of Register to mybloglog.com

1. visit mybloglog.com

2. Sign Up Now and Fill in your data

3. Afterwards you'd get an email from mybloglog.com, login to your Email and click link verification which available, its function to activate us as member in mybloglog.com.

Now, we will Install Recent Readers at our blog
Click Recent Readers,and at Recent Readers ( tracking script is included) setting your color, width, show screen names, image size, rows and title.and then click Preview and Get Code, if you have followed its tutorial truly hence copy/paste code under article " Recent Readers Widget Display & Code".

Follow the example of appearance will visible under the code html. To arrange your setiing just repeat back click browser which you used, and setting your which you take a fancy to and don't forget copy/paste to your blog

For full position recent readers at the discretion of you but all blogger generally place it in sidebar blog and most under your post. For blogger,and use page element, you can free remove it whenever you like, for example when its position less snugly or hinder.
How about it,,do you like to try it?dont forget to tell me when you got it and become great

Indonesia version :

Recent readers make it great, Jadi dengan adanya recent reader ini akan memudahkan kita untuk mengetahui siapa saja dari teman kita yang berkunjung pada setiap harinya :).

Cara Register ke mybloglog.com

1. kunjungi mybloglog.com
2. Isikan data-data anda pada bagian Sign Up Now.
3. Setelah itu anda akan mendapat email, login ke email dan klik link verifikasi yang tersedia, untuk mengaktifkan kita sebagai member di mybloglog.com

Sekarang, kita akan measukkannya ke blog kita
Klik tombol Recent Readers, pada bagian Recent Readers (tracking script is included) setting color, width, show screen names, image size, rows dan title. Selanjutnya klik tombol Preview and Get Code, jika anda sudah mengikuti tutorial nya dengan benar maka copy/paste code dibawah tulisan "Recent Readers Widget Display & Code".

Contoh tampilan yang dihasilkan dapat dilihat dibawah code html tersebut. Untuk mengatur ulang klik tombol back pada browser yang anda pakai, setting lagi bentuk yang anda sukai dan jangan lupa copy/paste ke blog anda.

Untuk posisi recent readers sepenuhnya terserah pada anda tapi para blogger biasanya menempatkannya di sidebar blog dan di bagian paling bawah postingan. Untuk yang memakai blogger dan menggunakan page element kita bebas memindahkannya kapanpun, ketika posisinya kurang pas atau menghalangi.

Bagaimana apakah anda berminat untuk mencobanya?jangan lupa kasih tau saya kalau anda sudah berhasil

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